Name: Stanley Edward Olmstead
Rank/Branch: O4/US Navy
Unit: Fighter Squadron 84, USS INDEPENDENCE (CVA 62)
Date of Birth: 12 November 1933 (Gage OK)
Home City of Record: Marshall OK
Date of Loss: 17 October 1965
Country of Loss: North Vietnam
Loss Coordinates: 213500N 1063300E (XJ605872)
Status (in 1973): Missing in Action
Category: 2
Aircraft/Vehicle/Ground: F4B
Refno: 0167

Other Personnel In Incident: Porter A. Halyburton (released POW); At nearby
coordinates, all F4 aircraft from USS Independence and US Navy personnel;
Rodney A. Knutson and Ralph E. Gaither (both released POWs); Roderick L.
Mayer (missing) and David R. Wheat (released POW)

Source: Compiled by Homecoming II Project 01 April 1990 from one or more of
the following: raw data from U.S. Government agency sources, correspondence
with POW/MIA families, published sources, interviews. Updated by the P.O.W.


SYNOPSIS: LT Roderick Mayer was a pilot assigned to the aircraft carrier USS
INDEPENDENCE (CVA-62). On October 17, 1965 he and his Radar Intercept
Officer (RIO), LTJG David Wheat launched in their F4B Phantom fighter jet
for a day strike mission on the Thai Nguyen bridge northeast of Hanoi.

On the same day, a second Phantom flown by LCDR Stanley E. Olmstead, with
LTJG Porter A. Halyburton as his RIO, and a third Phantom flown by LTJG
Ralph Gaither and LTJG Rodney A/ Knutson also launched from the USS
INDEPENCENCE. These four pilots were part of Fighter Squadron 84, the "Jolly
Rogers". Mayer and Wheat were part of the carriers Fighter Squadron 41. All
were dispatched to the same general mission area near the city of Thai

The three Phantoms were all shot down within a few miles of each other.
Knutson and Gaither were shot down in Long Song Province, North Vietnam,
near the border of China, or about 75 miles northeast of the city of Thai
Nguyen. Olmstead and Halyburton were shot down in Long Son Province about 40
miles east of the city of Thai Nguyen. Mayer and Wheat were shot down about
55 miles east-northeast of the city of Thai Nguyen, in Long Son Province.

Mayer and Wheat's aircraft was hit by anti-aircraft fire. Both men were seen
to eject from the aircraft. Search and rescue (SAR) efforts were hampered
due to enemy small arms fire. Lt. Mayer was observed over a period of two
hours in a prone position, still in his parachute. Before rescue helicopters
could reach the scene, both Mayer and Wheat had disappeared from sight and
enemy troops were seen in the area. David R. Wheat was confirmed to be a
prisoner of war, and when released in 1973, made statements which suggest
that Mayer was killed during the ejection or that he died later of injuries
resulting from the ejection. He stated that Lt. Mayer did not move, even
when he was found by ground troops. Mayer was classified Prisoner of War.

LCDR Olmstead's aircraft was hit by hostile fire and crashed while on a
bombing mission. No transmissions were heard, nor was there any sign of
ejection by either crewmember. Other U.S. aircraft passed over the crash
site and deterimed that there was no possibility of survival. However, it
was later learned that Halyburton had survived, and was captured. Being the
RIO, Halyburton would eject first. It was believed that Olmstead had
probably died in the crash of the aircraft, but there was no proof of this
theory. Olmstead was classified Missing in Action.

Gaither and Knutson were captured by the North Vietnamese, spent nearly 8
years as prisoners and were both released on February 12, 1973 in Operation
Homecoming. Knutson had been injured, and was not fully recovered at the
time of his release.

The fates of these six men from the USS INDEPENDENCE was not clear at the
time they were shot down. Their status changed from Reported Dead to
Prisoner of War or Missing in Action. At the end of the war, only Olmstead
and Mayer remained missing. Ultimately, they were declared dead for lack of
evidence that they were still alive.

When the war ended, refugees from the communist-overrun countries of
Southeast Asia began to flood the world, bringing with them stories of live
GI's still in captivity in their homelands. Since 1975, nearly 10,000
reports relating to Americans missing in Southeast Asia have been received.
Many authorities believe that hundreds of Americans are still held in the
countries in Southeast Asia.

The U.S. Government operates on the "assumption" that one or more men are
being held, but that it cannot "prove" that this is the case, allowing
action to be taken. Meanwhile, low-level talks between the U.S. and Vietnam
proceed, yielding a few sets of remains when it seems politically expedient
to return them, but as yet, no living American has returned.

Roderick L. Mayer was promoted to the rank of Commander during the period he
was maintained missing and David R. Wheat was promoted to the rank of
Lieutenant Commander.

Rodney A. Knutson and Ralph E. Gaither were promoted to the rank of
Lieutenant Commander during the period they were maintained as prisoner of

Stanley E. Olmstead was promoted to the rank of Commander during the period
he was maintained missing. Porter A. Halyburton was promoted to the rank of
Lieutenant Commander during the period he was maintained as a prisoner of

Subject: LCDR. Stanley Olmstead
Date: Thu, 02 Aug 01 09:32:31 -0700
Organization: Vietnamtourism


First of all, thanks for making the bios available.

I have a slight correction to make. I say slight, but depending on your
point of view, it's major.

Here's a paragraph from your bio on LCDR Stanley Olmstead. My comments

"LCDR Olmstead's aircraft was hit by hostile fire and crashed while on a
bombing mission. No transmissions were heard, nor was there any sign of
ejection by either crewmember. Other U.S. aircraft passed over the crash
site and deterimed that there was no possibility of survival. However, it
was later learned that Halyburton had survived, and was captured. Being the
RIO, Halyburton would eject first. It was believed that Olmstead had
probably died in the crash of the aircraft, but there was no proof of this
theory. Olmstead was classified Missing in Action.

The RIO, Porter Halyburton, is a friend of mine. Here is his account of what
happened that day: "When we were hit I called to Stan, but he didn't
respond. His head was slumped down and he was unresponsive. As the ridgeline
was coming up, I had to eject immediately and did so. Seconds later, the
aircraft crashed into the ridgeline. There was a large explosion upon
impact, as we had a full load of ordinance. I was able to observe the
aircraft the entire time from when I ejected until it crashed. Stan did not

The ridgeline Porter refers to was to be their turning point. Upon arrival
at the ridgeline, they were to head due west to the target at Thai Nguyen.

While it is true that no one saw Porter eject, largely because no one was
looking when they were hit, someone (Porter) DID watch the plane, and
therefore Stan Olmstead, from the time it was hit until it crashed.

Porter said he had clear field of vision as he slowly drifted down to earth.
He could clearly see, much to his dismay, that LCDR. Stanley Olmstead did
not eject prior to impact.

Porter Halyburton, while retired from the Navy, is currently an instructor
at the Naval War College in Rhode Island.


MIA for 50 years, siblings still search for signs of father
WFAA   05/25/15
... there are more than 1,600 military personnel from the Vietnam War still unaccounted for, according to the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency.

MORE INFO   http://veterantributes.org/TributeDetail.php?recordID=1243






Return to Service Member Profiles

On October 17, 1965, an F-4B Phantom II (bureau number 151515) carrying two crew members took off from the USS Independence (CVA 62) as the second of four fighters on a combat mission over enemy targets in North Vietnam. While over the target area, the Phantom was hit by enemy anti-aircraft fire and crashed. Other pilots flying the mission reported seeing this aircraft hit the side of a mountain and explode, but saw no parachutes in the area before the crash. Enemy presence in the area prevented ground searches for survivors; however, one of the crew members did manage to eject before the crash, and he was taken prisoner by the enemy and eventually released to U.S. custody. After his release, he reported that before the crash, he noticed the other crew member's helmet and canopy were gone, but did not see him eject from the aircraft.

Lieutenant Commander Stanley Edward Olmstead entered the U.S. Navy from Oklahoma and was a member of Fighter Squadron 84, embarked aboard the Independence. He was the pilot of this Phantom, and was not seen again following his crew member's ejection and the aircraft's crash. After the incident, the U.S. Navy promoted LCDR Olmstead to the rank of Commander (CDR). Today, Commander Olmstead is memorialized on the Courts of the Missing at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific.

Based on all information available, DPAA assessed the individual's case to be in the analytical category of Active Pursuit.

If you are a family member of this serviceman, DPAA can provide you with additional information and analysis of your case. Please contact your casualty office representative.

Service member profile discrepancy? Please help us ensure the accuracy of each profile by submitting documentation about a service member profile.