Rest in Peace. On 04/23/99 Ted was in God's hands.
Laid to Rest in Arlington National Cemetery 06/18/99.
Name: Theodore Wilson "Ted" Guy
Rank/Branch: O5/US Air Force
Unit: 559th TFS
Date of Birth: 18 April 1929
Home City of Record: Elmhurst IL (family in Tuscon AZ)
Date of Loss: 22 March 1968
Country of Loss: Laos
Loss Coordinates: 163904N 1062857E (XD581414)
Status (in 1973): Released POW
Acft/Vehicle/Ground: F4C
Missions: 287 combat missions, 5600 hours of flying time, all single engine
or center line thrust.
101 Missions in an F84 in Korea
Other Personnel In Incident: Donavan L. Lyon (missing)
Source: Compiled by Homecoming II Project from one or more of the
following: raw data from U.S. Government agency sources, correspondence with
POW/MIA families, published sources, interviews. Updated by the P.O.W.
NETWORK and Col. Ted Guy. 2023
SYNOPSIS: The Phantom, used by Air Force, Marine and Navy air wings, served
a multitude of functions including fighter-bomber and interceptor, photo and
electronic surveillance. The two man aircraft was extremely fast (Mach 2),
and had a long range (900 - 2300 miles, depending on stores and mission
type). The F4 was also extremely maneuverable and handled well at low and
high altitudes. Most pilots considered it one of the "hottest" planes
Col. Theodore W. Guy was the pilot and Maj. Donavan L. Lyon his
weapons/systems officer on an F4C Phantom fighter jet which was sent on a
combat mission over Laos on March 22, 1968. Their mission, meant to knock
out an enemy gun on the Ho Chi Minh Trail, took them near the Aideo Pass
through the mountainous border of South Vietnam and Laos a few miles
southwest of the demilitarized zone.
During the mission, a bomb mechanism developed mechanical failure, the
aircraft blew up and in the process ejected Guy. Guy landed in rugged
terrain. At the time, he did not believe Lyon made it out. Guy was
subsequently captured by the North Vietnamese, whose activities in Laos his
mission was meant to thwart. However, information was given the Lyon family
that Lyon survived the incident as well. Although Lyon survived, his fate
after landing on the ground is unknown.
Guy went on to assume command of the POWs in July 1968. He made tough
standards for the 44 airmen he was held with at "Plantation Gardens" and
expected them to live by them, as he did. Guy, a Korean war veteran,
suffered the same torture and deprivation as pilots captured in the early
years of the war. His hair, normally brown, turned completely white on one
side of his head, but later fell out and returned to its normal color.
Ted Guy was released with 591 Americans in 1973. When Guy was released, he
brought charges against eight fellow POWs whom many considered to be
traitors. The charges, in the wake of the hero's welcome which greeted
returned POWs, were dropped by Guy at the behest of the U.S. Government.
Guy and Lyon's case is not unusual. In several incidents of loss, pilot and
backseater are separated (partly because they eject at separate times, thus
increasing the distance possible between them), not to be reunited. In Laos,
both the North Vietnamese and the Pathet Lao forces were apt to be on the
scene to apprehend downed pilots, and neither was prone to hand their
capture over to the other force.
The Pathet Lao stated publicly that they held "tens of tens" of American
captives, but the U.S. did not include them in the agreements that ended the
war in Vietnam. Therefore, these men were not released, and were not
negotiated for. They were abandoned.
If Don Lyon was captured by the Pathet Lao, he could be among the hundreds
that experts believe are alive today. If so, he was betrayed by the country
he so proudly served.
[guytxt.95 08/21/95]
Col. (Ret) USAF
Vietnam Prisoner of War
March 22, 1968-March 20, 1973
Captured in Laos
Table of Contents
Opening Oral Statement Page 3
Submitted Written Statement Page 6
My name is Ted Guy and I am a former Air Force Fighter pilot who
retired in 1975 in the grade of Colonel. I had the honor and privilege of
being the Commander of all the personnel captured in Laos, Cambodia and
South Vietnam.
Until mid 1991, I was a firm supporter of the US Government's
position that all Vietnam POWs were home and were released during Operation
Homecoming. In fact, I spoke at Fort Sam National Cemetery on Memorial Day,
1991, expressing my support for the USG position. Between Operation
Homecoming and mid 1991, I talked to tens of thousands of people and several
hundred families of non-returned POW/MIAs. My message was always the same.
There are no more POWs. Those that were still classified as MIA are dead.
All that wanted to come home came home during Operation Homecoming. I know
for a fact that I was instrumental in many family members changing their
opinions about their missing sons, brothers, fathers. Many thanked me for
helping them to accept the fact that their loved ones were not coming home.
The reason that I felt so strongly about the MIAs and POWs and
that no more were alive was simple. As a combat veteran of two wars -
Korea and Vietnam and 26 years of service, many of which were in key command
positions, I was certain that my government would not lie to me. I knew that
we would never abandon any fighting man or woman if there was any doubt what
so ever that he or she might be alive and missing as a result of combat. The
thought that anyone was left behind was inconceivable to me.
I could spend an hour telling you why I changed my mind, but let
it suffice to say that I did in the summer of 1991. I changed it 180 degrees
and believe me, it was extremely difficult. But the evidence to me was
overwhelming. Men were left behind.
Since that time I have done considerable research and talking
with POW/MIA families as well as other activists Two items really stand out
in my mind; the first being the great disparity in the numbers of returned
POW's captured in Laos versus North Vietnam. I must point out that to my
knowledge no one has yet returned that was captured in Laos and remained in
Laos. The LULUs, as we were referred to, were all captured in Laos and
detained in North Vietnam. I will not discuss South Vietnam, because it is
an extremely complex issue, i.e., many ended up in the North, early
releases, etc. I will also limit my discussion from the point when the
United States be came officially involved in the Vietnam conflict - the
Gulf of Tonkin incident until the completion of Operation Homecoming.
My figures indicate that 587 people were declared missing within
the confines of Laos. During Operation Homecoming, 11 men captured in Laos
were released. This equates to less than 2 %. During the same period there
were 1281 lost in North Vietnam or its adjacent waters. 472 were released
during Operation Homecoming or sooner, i.e. the early returnees This equates
to a little over 37 %.
Those of you that may have flown over Laos and North Vietnam know,
that except for the first 40 or 50 miles from the coast, the two countries
are topographically similar. Why the big difference in percentages? I
personally believe that many were held and are possibly still being held
in Laos. I also firmly believe that those held in Laos were and are under
the control of the North Vietnamese, which brings me to my second point.
After I finished playing John Wayne and was captured, I was
dragged approximately 1/4 mile into an area that I estimated contained two
battalions of fresh North Vietnamese regulars. Here I was amazed to see
several strands of red and green wire running off into the jungle. During my
short stay in this area I observed an individual talking on a field
On the 26th of March 1968, I departed this area on my journey to
Hanoi; arriving there on 7 April 1968. I traveled by jeep, truck and foot
the entire length of the Ho Chi Minh trail until reaching a point opposite
the North Vietnamese city of Vinh, then crossed into North Vietnam. During
the week that I was on the trail traveling north, I observed communications
wire along the trail both on poles and lying on the ground. At every cave
and billeting area that I stopped in there was a field telephone. There is
no doubt in my mind that when my guards and I arrived at our next stopping
point, I was expected. A couple of times I was even called by my Vietnamese
name by my new guards prior to any conversation taking place between the old
and new.
Except for one day when I was taken into a Laotian village, I
am certain that everyone I observed was Vietnamese. Even in this village,
there was no doubt who was in charge.
Once I started speaking out on the issue of the abandoned
POWs, one question was always asked by someone in the audience. "Even if
POWs were left behind, how long could they have lived under the harsh living
conditions you described earlier?" My answer was always, "With good
organization and a high degree of morale, the American soldier can do almost
anything, including survive, under the most primitive condition. We did!
I believe further proof of survival was recently established
by the cases of hundreds of Vietnamese who were employed by the CIA and US
military during the 1960's. By 1969, all had reportedly been captured and
written off by the USG. However, in the late 1980's the survivors were
released. 64 of these survivors have applied to the INS for refugee status.
If these guys can live for 25 plus years in a POW environment, why couldn't
On the CBS evening news on 7 May while giving an update on
the status of the lost F-1 6 pilot in Bosnia, it was reported that Captain
O'Grady's flight leader never saw a parachute and feared his buddy was lost.
The next night when Dan Rather completed his story about the rescue of
Captain O'Grady, he concluded his broadcast by saying, "Today a young pilot
expected his country to come and find him...and they did." I wonder how many
waited in Laos and may still be waiting for their country to come and find
I firmly believe that if we grant any further carrots to
Vietnam in any form, prior to a full accounting of those missing in Laos, we
will put the last nail in the coffin of the whole Southeast Asia Missing in
Action issue.
My name is Ted Guy. I am a retired Air Force Officer with 26 year's
service. I was medically retired in August 1975 with 40 percent disability
due to a condition referred to as Organic Brain Syndrome. This was
attributed to mistreatment I received as a Prisoner of War. I have 5600
hours of fighter/fighter trainer time and flew a combat tour in Korea as
well as a partial expedition in Vietnam before going down in Laos on 21
March 1968. My combat decorations include the Air Force Cross, Silver Star,
Distinguished Service Medal, Distinguished Flying Crosses, Air Medals,
Bronze Stars with Valor device, Purple Hearts, etc. etc. I have served in
many key command positions, my last being Director of Operations for 9th AF.
I presently reside in Sunrise Beach, Missouri, on the Lake of the Ozarks.
As in Korea, I was a volunteer for Vietnam. At the time of my
downing, I was the Operations Officer of the 559th Tactical Fighter
Squadron, 12th Tactical Fighter Wing, Camh Rahn Bay, South Vietnam. The
reason that I volunteered for Korea and Vietnam is because of my personal
belief in freedom. I feel very strongly that as long as there are people
or nations/countries in this world that desire to be free and are willing to
fight and die for that freedom, that the USA has an obligation to help them
gain their freedom; even at the risk of American blood. I realize that this
is not very popular today, but I believe it is one of the corner stones of
our great republic.
When I was downed, I was flying an interdiction mission in
southern Laos along highway 5, which runs from Khesan to Tchepone. The
target was an automatic weapons position overlooking highway 5. On my third
bomb pass, my aircraft, an F4C was rocked by a violent explosion. We later
determined after the war, that the explosion was caused be one of my 750
pound high drags going slick and detonating approximately 50 feet below the
aircraft. The aircraft was severely damaged, but we managed to get to 12,000
feet where we lost control. I told my back seater, Major Don Lyon, to eject,
which he acknowledged. The next thing I remember is floating down in my
parachute. I am certain the aircraft blew up and that Major Lyon never got
out of the aircraft.
I arrived on the ground several minutes later, and after a short
fire fight with the Vietnamese, I was captured. During this gun battle -
which I lost - I was wounded.
After seizure I was dragged and carried about « mile until we came
to what appeared to be a staging area. I estimate that there were
approximately two battalions of 1000 troops in this area. All wore, what
appeared to be fairly fresh green summer clothing and white tennis shoes. As
I was dragged into this area, I noticed numerous wires running off into the
jungle. It consisted of red and green strands. One of the strands was hooked
to a field telephone, which was in use.
On 26 March I departed this area by jeep on my way North. We
spent the first night in Tchepone, and there was no doubt in my mind that we
were expected when we got there. The next day we started up the Ho Chi Minh
Travel was by jeep and truck with several long walks. I am
convinced that all the personnel we saw along the trail were Vietnamese. We
spent one 24 hour period in a Laotian village, and again there was no doubt
who was in charge - the Vietnamese. I spent eight days on the trail. Until
we were well North, about half of our travel was at night. We would usually
stop traveling an hour before sunrise. The majority of the time we would
pause at caves located a short distance from the trail. While traveling
North, I continually observed the same type of communications wire running
along the road. Every place we stopped had a telephone that appeared to be
hooked up to this wire. It seemed to me that I was expected at every stop.
On two occasions I was addressed by my, Vietnamese name of Gee, before my
traveling guards had a chance to converse.
Based on the above information I have concluded the following:
> From what I observed there is no doubt in my mind that Laos was wired
and well. My movements were obviously continually reported.
Communication between check-points was excellent Based on my
observations I believe all trail activities were closely monitored -
probably from Hanoi.
I arrived In Vinh, North Vietnam on the 3rd of April where I
had my first real interrogation. These guys did not fool around and managed
to dislocate my right shoulder. I was told that the US bombing had stopped
as of 31 March. I was held in Vinh for three days in a compound that was
heavily reinforced and appeared to be a prison with several cells. I saw
no other Americans. On 7 April we departed Vinh by jeep and arrived in Hanoi
in the evening.
I spent the next three days at the infamous Hoa Lo prison "Hanoi
Hilton" where I learned that the Vietnamese knew more about Camh Rhan AB and
the 12th TFW than I did and their information was as current as mine. I was
continually asked where I was captured. During the evening of 10 April I was
transferred to a camp known as the "Plantation Garden" where I remained
until 7 December 1969.
During my many early interrogations at the "Plantation" the
Vietnamese tried to convince me I was captured in North Vietnam I insisted
that I was captured in Laos. During the fall of 1968, it became evident that
I was the only known POW captured in Laos. I then changed my story and
"admitted" that I was really captured in South Vietnam but could have
drifted in my parachute to North Vietnam.
However, I maintained my South Vietnam story, mostly to hide my knowledge
that another Lao POW had arrived at the "Plantation". During one of my
interrogations in the "Hilton" in May 1970, "The Bug" informed me that they
had rechecked their records and I had indeed been captured in South Vietnam.
Shortly thereafter, I was transferred to the hell hole known as "Farnsworth"
that contained only South Vietnam captives.
Based upon the above information, I have concluded the following:
> The Vietnamese kept detailed records on all POWs and summaries of
these records followed the POW from camp to camp.
The night after the Sontay raid, all POWs from "Camp Farnsworth
were transferred back to Hanoi and the camp known as "The Plantation." I was
returned to the same cell - still in solitary - that I had occupied from
April 1968 - December 1969.
The widely reported change in treatment towards the POWs that
occurred after Ho Chi Minh's death in 1969 did not occur in our camp, e.g.,
those of us captured in Laos and South Vietnam.. Harsh treatment, near
starvation diet, isolation, and beatings remained in effect until the summer
of 1972. Tolerable conditions prevailed after the resumption of the bombing
of North Vietnam and the mining of Hyphong Harbor. In July 1971 six others
captured in Laos were transferred from "The Hilton" to the "Plantation,"
among them was Ernie Brace. They were amazed at our treatment and informed
me that it was much better in other camps.
It appeared to me that the Vietnamese were systematically grouping
their POWs. All those captured in the North were at the "Hilton" while those
captured in Laos and South Vietnam were at the "Plantation." There were no
departures from the "Plantation" to other camps, only incoming Laos and South
Vietnam POWs.
Because the North Vietnamese continually denied any association
with Laos or South Vietnam, other than providing support, I came to the
conclusion that we were not going to be released at the end of hostilities.
The word was passed to my command that we were to prepare for the long
haul-which I felt could be as long as 20 years. The majority of the POWs
accepted this with a fighting spirit which made me extremely proud.
In December 1972, on the third day of the B-52 raids, all of us
were transferred to the "Hilton" and housed in the area known as "Little Las
Vegas" The ten other Lao captives were kept separate from myself, who by
this time was considered a regular South Vietnam captive. We managed to
establish contact with the 4th Allied POW Wing. All names were passed, and I
passed my fears to the 4th commander, John Flynn, that I felt we might not
be released.
All of us were released, although considerable wheeling and dealing
was necessary to gain the release of the ten remaining Laos captives.
Based upon the above information I have concluded the following:
> I believe there is a good possibility that if the December bombing had
not occurred and we had stayed at the "Plantation," we would not have
been released during Operation Homecoming. I base this on the fact
that our captors denied that they had troops in the South or Laos our
treatment remained far worse that those captured in the North.
I retired from the Air Force in 1975. From the time of my
release until mid 1991, the thought that any POWs were left behind never
crossed my mind. In fact I spoke to hundreds of MIA families and tens of
thousands of people about my POW experiences. My message was always the same
All the POWs are home. There are no MIAs as they are all dead. All that
wanted to come home are home. I told the families to forget their sons,
fathers, uncles etc. and to get on with their lives. After I explained that
all the POWs that were captured ended up in Hanoi, and that all the names
were known, the majority of the families accepted their fate.
At a POW Dining In at Randolph AFB in March 1991, I had a long
discussion with Brig. Gen. Robinson Risner (POW Sept. 66 - Feb. 73) and Lt.
Gen. John P. Flynn (POW Oct. 67-Mar. 73). General Flynn was the commander of
the 4th Allied POW Wing. Both were members of the Tighe Commission headed by
Lt. Gen. Eugene Tighe. Both Robbie and John firmly believed that American
POWs were left behind and that there was a good possibility that some were
still alive. They based their beliefs that our country left men behind on
information learned from their involvement with the Tighe Commission. I
could not believe that the US would knowingly abandon any of her fighting
men. The very thought of this was repulsive and unacceptable.
In June 1991 I was called by a Mr. George Atkinson, Casualty
Affairs, MPC, Randolph AFB, Texas. Mr. Atkinson asked me if I would come out
to Randolph and talk to a young lady whose brother was shot down in Laos in
1967. Mr. Atkinson was well aware of the fact that I felt very strongly that
all POWs were home that were coming home.
The next morning I spent several hours with the MIA sister. At
lunch I repeated all my theories about the missing POWs and MIAs. The sister
agreed that it was time to get on with her life and put her brother behind.
However, she did request that I review her brother's folder prior to
returning home. I did and I was shocked.
The brother was a back seat navigator on a B-57 bombing sortie
in northern Laos in the fall of 1967. His aircraft did not return and he was
listed as MIA. One year later his status was changed to PFOD with no
objections from his wife. The Air Force never notified the blood family
members, assuming the wife would take care of the matter. Because of great
family difficulties, this never happened. After hearing nothing from the
sister-in-law for years, the sister contacted Randolph about her brother.
The folder contained many references to the brother. There were
refugee sighting reports and several identifications by Lao and Vietnamese
refugees who had gotten out of Vietnam and Laos. I took the folder to the
head of the Casualty Affairs Branch. My comments were: "How can this type of
information be in his folder? He was shot down in 1967 and declared KIA a
year later. Either he is dead or he isn't. Why would information continue to
flow to the folder if the man was dead? Someone has to be either very stupid
and thought no one would notice, or this man is alive and no one gives a
damn!" Some of the sightings were in the late 70's and mid 80's! I concluded
by saying, 'No wonder the families do not believe what they are told."
I have included an attachment which is a brief history of the case
of Captain Robert Franklin Coady missing in Laos in January, 1969, given to
me by his sister. It points out the type of information the families are
given or more appropriately, not given.
After the meeting with Robbie and John and this meeting at the
Casualty Affairs branch, doubts began to creep into my mind. I started
reading and contacting as many MIA/POW families as I could. I corresponded
with other activists and talked to many Vietnam veterans. There was no
hesitation from the people I talked to. Men were left behind and worse,
there had been little to no attempt to account for anyone that disappeared
in Laos. The deeper I dug, the more convinced I became that men were
abandoned and that there was a good possibility that some were still alive.
Watching the Select Committee on television and reading the Select Committee
on POW/MIA Affairs. Senate Report 103-1 further convinced me that much was
being hidden and withheld about the POW issue.
Anyone that can add, subtract, and figure percentages should be
shocked by the great dissimilarity between the number missing and the number
returned that were captured in Laos vs. those captured in North Vietnam. I
am certain that many can argue with my figures, but they were extracted from
official listings. For simplicity's sake, I will deal just with Laos and
North Vietnam from the time of our OFFICIAL involvement - The Gulf of Tonkin
Incident (4 August 1964) until the completion of Operation Homecoming.
Rather than analyze the various categories (1 through 5), I looked at the
total number that have been listed as missing in Laos and the total number
listed as missing in North Vietnam. The first American missing in Laos was
Charles J. Duffy, and his incident was 13 January 1961. The first American
missing in North Vietnam was Everett Alvarez and the date of his incident
was 5 August 1965. Between 4 August 1964 and the completion of Operation
Homecoming, my records indicate that a total of 587 were listed as missing
in Laos and 1281 were listed as missing in North Vietnam. If one looks at
the number returned during Operation Homecoming, it must raise the question,
why the great difference?
Total missing in Laos 587
Total returned during Operation Homecoming 11
(Does not include Capt. Robert White, who was released 1 April 1973. The
11 includes one Canadian. The 11 also includes myself, listed as
released by the NFL.) 21 were listed missing in Laos prior to 4 August
Percentage of missing vs. returned 1.9%
Total missing in North Vietnam 1281 Total returned during Operation
Homecoming 472 Percentage of missing vs. returned -36.8%
Based on the above information, I have concluded the following:
> All 11 of us that were captured in Laos have one thing in common.
We were all captured by regular North Vietnamese troops.
Initially, I believed that because we were captured by North
Vietnamese was the sole reason we were released However, I now
feel this had little bearing on our release. Based on the large
number of NVA regulars 1 observed in Laos, I submit that many,
many more were captured by Vietnamese forces. Many people do not
think the Vietnamese are very knowledgeable. I personally
believe the ones that had control over the POW's were brilliant.
I also believe they foresaw possibility the possibility that
we would prove that their forces were dominant in Laos. We (the
11) were the tokens that were in their long range plans to be
released if pressured. OR THEY MADE A HUGE MISTAKE !
It has often been stated, both unofficially and officially, that
even if there were men abandoned and left behind after the Vietnam war, they
could not survive very long under the harsh conditions. I disagree. I am
convinced that with high morale and determination, the American fighting man
can survive indefinitely; even under the most austere atmosphere. To support
this, one only has to review two recent events.
The case of the F-16 piloted by Captain Scott O'Grady that was
shot down on June 2nd has many similarities between aircraft lost in Laos
during the Vietnam war. O'Grady's wingman, Captain Bob Wright never saw
O'Grady eject or a parachute nor was any contact established between the two
once O'Grady landed. Yet, Captain O'Grady was rescued 6 days later. if he
had been captured, would he now be carried as MIA? In Laos, there were many
ejection's which were observed by wingman. A parachute was seen and contact
was established with the downed pilot. Only in Laos, he disappeared.
On April 14, 1975, the New York Times reported that hundreds of
Vietnamese, who were employed by the CIA and military were captured and
imprisoned in the mid 1960's. The US government wrote the off, however, in
the late 1980's the survivors were released. 64 have applied for refugee
status under the Orderly Departure Program. The INS denied admission. Are
not the survivors living proof that man can survive...
(one line missing from copy)
Based on the above information, I have concluded the following:
> It is possible to survive for long periods of time under the most
severe conditions. I am convinced that the majority of my command
could still be alive today if we had not been released.
November 1996
Ted Guy retired from the United States Air Force as a Colonel in 1975. His
awards and decorations include - Air Force Cross, Distinguished Service
Medal w/OLC, Silver Star with 1 OLC, Purle heart with 3 OLC, Bronze Star
with Valor Device with 2 OLC,. Bronze Star with OLC, Purple Heart with 3
OLC, Distinguished Flying Cross with 5 OLC, Air Medal with 13 OLC, the
Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with palm. He and his wife Linda reside in
Missouri. Col. Guy has been called to testify before House and Senate
Committees and he continues to speak on behalf of those LIVE POW/MIAs left
behind. He heads an awareness program called "Operation Just Cause" on the
Ted Guy was a dear friend and our hero. He fought a form of cancer known as
Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS). The battle was lost on the afternoon of
April 23, 1999, just six months after his diagnosis. Agent Orange was
probably to blame. Ted had just turned 70 on April 18th. He is survived by
his wife Linda, 2 step-daughters, 4 sons, a brother, and many, many friends.
Thanks to the several heads-up, I was able to attend Col Ted Guy's memorial
service at Arlington. I saw no familiar faces...
Service was in the Old Post Chapel. Honor guard brought in the urn (as Col
Guy had been cremated earlier). Audience ranged from dark suits to sports
clothes to Rolling Thunder reps in leathers. Their motto read "We ride to
represent those who cannot speak for themselves. Remember POW-MIAs."
Col Gordon Larson, a friend of Ted Guy most of their lives, gave
a moving speech. Rep. John Boutillier suggested that Guy was now God's
co-pilot, so we should not be surprised if something happened to reveal the
truth about POWs (close to that). Unfortunately, Ted Guy Jr's mike was too
muffled to hear him.
Long string of cars following the band, troops, and horse-drawn caisson.
A few hardy souls walked. And walked and walked -- as the memorial spot
turned out to be at the bottom (south end) of the cemetery. The rest of the
memorial took place halfway up a hill, on an empty spot among existing
graves. The urn tipped over on the slope and rolled a few inches before the
guard retrieved it. (It was well sealed, so Col Guy remained intact, so to
speak.) Chaplain (Col) Brogan read Navy CAPT Coffee's Hanoi-68 poem, "One
More Roll" (copied below). Volleys fired, flag folded and presented to Mrs.
Guy. At 12:15, two A-10s in firm formation flew overhead. Ceremony over.
-- The cover reads:
In celebration of the life of
Colonel Theodore W. Guy
April 18, 1929 - April 23, 1999
[4th Allied P.O.W. Wing shield, with: RETURN WITH HONOR]
-- Inside-left panel:
Theodore Wilson Guy was born on April 18, 1929 in Chicago, the son of
Theopholus Wilson and Edwina Lamonte Guy.
He graduated from Kemper Military College in 1949 and immediately
entered the Air Force, becoming a pilot in September, 1950. Except for
senior service schools, his entire career was spent in air training command
and tactical air command in the operations field. He amassed 5,700 hours
flying time --- all in fighter or fighter trainer aircraft.
As an officer in the Air Force, he was a highly decorated fighter pilot
who served his country in both the Korean and Vietnam wars, flying the F-84
in the Korean theatre and the F-4 in Viet- nam. On March 26, 1968. he went
down in Laos and was the first military officer captured in Laos and
eventually interned in North Vietnam. He was a prisoner of war for five
years and one month in Laos and Vietnam, and was interned at several camps
including the infamous Hanoi Hilton. He spent over four years in solitary
confinement while a P.O.W.
During his military career, he received the Air Force Cross, Silver Star
with one oak leaf cluster, the Distinguished Service medal, the
Distinguished Flying Cross with three oak leaf clusters, the Air medal with
twelve oak leaf clusters and the Purple Heart with one oak leaf cluster.
He retired from the Air Force in 1975 as a Colonel. He then became
national adjutant for the Order of Daedalians, and in 1977 became associated
with TRW, with subsequent assignment in Iran as the senior tactical advisor
to the commander, Iranian Tactical Air Command.
He was a frequent guest speaker at local schools, colleges and
universities throughout the United States. His main theme was always
centered around America and what a great country we Americans live in. He
was also active, every day until his death, in efforts to account for all
the POW/MIAs from the Vietnam War who never made it home.
Ted Guy, nicknamed "the Hawk", was a true patriot and a genuine American
-- Inside right panel:
June 18, 1999
Old Post Chapel, Fort Myer, Virginia
Chaplain, Colonel Edward T. Brogan
Order of Service
Prelude: Medley of "The Impossible Dream"
"Somewhere Over the Rainbow"
"The Wind Beneath My Wings"
Escort of Casket into Chapel
Hymn: "God of Our Fathers" no 198
Sentences of Scripture
Colonel Gordon Larson
Congressman John LeBoutillier
Ted Guy, Jr
Scripture Readings:
Psalm 91
Isaiah 40:28-31
John 14:1-6
Meditation: Chaplain Brogan
Recessional: "Lord, Guard and Guide the Men Who Fly" No 192
Escort of Casket from Chapel
Postlude: "Goin' Home" from the New World Symphony by Anton Dvorak
Air Force Honors Procession of Caisson to Graveside
* * * * * * *
A reception will be held at the Fort Myer Officer's Club,
Lamplighter Room, immediately following the graveside service.
-- Back cover:
* * * * * *
We toast our faithful comrades
Now fallen from the sky
And gently caught by God's own hand
To be with Him on high.
To dwell among the soaring clouds
They knew so well before
From dawn patrol and victory roll
At heaven's very door.
And as we fly among them there
We're sure to hear their plea
"Take care, my friend, watch your six,
And do one more roll... just for me."
HANOI, 1968
Gerald (Jerry) Coffee
Captain, USN (Ret.)
"Another warrior is laid to rest today" from his friends at the service.