Remains identified 03/2016

Name: Alan Lee Boyer
Rank/Branch: E5/US Army Special Forces
Unit: C & C Detachment, Drawer 22 (MACV-SOG), 5th Special Forces Group
Date of Birth: 08 March 1946 Chicago IL
Home City of Record: Missoula MT
Date of Loss: 28 March 1968
Country of Loss: Laos
Loss Coordinates: 164730N 1062000E (XD434574)
Status (in 1973): Missing In Action
Category: 4
Aircraft/Vehicle/Ground: Ground
Refno: 1108
Other Personnel In Incident: Charles Huston; George R. Brown (missing)

Source: Compiled by Homecoming II Project 30 June 1990 from one or more of
the following: raw data from U.S. Government agency sources, correspondence
with POW/MIA families, published sources, interviews. Updated by the P.O.W.


SYNOPSIS: MACV-SOG (Military Assistance Command, Vietnam Studies and
Observation Group). MACV-SOG was a joint service high command unconventional
warfare task force engaged in highly classified operations throughout
Southeast Asia. The 5th Special Forces channeled personnel into MACV-SOG
(although it was not a Special Forces group) through Special Operations
Augmentation (SOA), which provided their "cover" while under secret orders
to MACV-SOG. The teams performed deep penetration missions of strategic
reconnaissance and interdiction which were called, depending on the time
frame, "Shining Brass" or "Prairie Fire" missions.

On March 28, 1968, Sgt. Alan L. Boyer, Sgt. Charles G. Huston, both
riflemen, and SFC George R. Brown, intelligence sergeant, were conducting a
reconnaissance patrol in Laos, along with 7 Vietnamese personnel. The men
were attached to Command and Control Detachment, MACV-SOG. About 15 miles
inside Laos, northeast of Tchepone, the patrol made contact with an unknown
enemy force and requested exfiltration by helicopter.

Because of the terrain in the area, the helicopter could not land, and a
rope ladder was dropped in for the team to climb up to board the aircraft.
Six of the Vietnamese had already climbed to the aircraft, when, as the 7th
climbed aboard, the helicopter began receiving heavy automatic weapons fire.
This forced the helicopter to leave the area.

Simultaneous to these events, Sgt. Boyer began to climb the ladder when
seconds later, the ladder broke. When last seen during the extraction, the
other 2 sergeants (Huston and Brown) still on the ground were alive and
appeared unwounded. On April 1, a search team was inserted into the area and
searched 6 hours, but failed to locate any evidence of the three men.

Boyer, Huston and Brown are among the nearly 600 Americans missing in Laos.
When the war ended, agreements were signed releasing American Prisoners of
War from Vietnam. Laos was not part of the peace agreement, and although the
Pathet Lao stated publicly that they held "tens of tens" of prisoners, not a
single American held in Laos has ever been released.

Any of the three members of the reconnaissance team operating that day in
March 1968 could be among the hundreds of Americans experts believe to be
alive today. The last they saw of America, it was flying away, abandoning
them to the jungle and the enemy. What must they be thinking of us now?

Senate Select Committee Hearing Text:

Laos                    Charles G. Huston
                        George R. Brown
                                                 Alan L. Boyer


On March 28, 1968, Sergeants Huston, Brown and Boyer were leading
Team Asp, a covert cross border reconnaissance patrol operating
from Forward Base (FOB) 4, an element of the 5th Special Forces
Group Command and Control Detachment based in South Vietnam.  They
were on a mission in an area twenty kilometers northeast of the
town of Tchepone, Savannakhet Province, Laos, when they came under
heavy enemy fire and called for an extraction.  The helicopter
withdrew under heavy fire and was unable to recover Sergeants Brown
and Huston.  Sergeant Boyer was the last recovered and while
holding onto a rope ladder and it together with its mount broke
away from the recovery helicopter and he fell to the ground.

A ground search of the area on April 1, 1968, failed to show any
sign of the three missing patrol members.  They were declared
missing at a classified location which was later acknowledged to be
Laos.  None of these individuals was reported alive in the northern
Vietnamese prison system and none of their remains has been
repatriated.  All three were initially reported missing and later
declared dead/body not recovered.

In August 1984 a Lao refugee reported three Americans were killed
in a People's Army of Vietnam ambush in the area of Team Asp's
engagement.  The bodies were reportedly buried in the area.


Anyone with information about the circumstances of the death of SGT Alan L.
Boyer (KIA 28 Mar 1968) (RT -11)
Please contact his sister Judi (Boyer) Bouchard
She has been to Laos and talked wilth some DOD folks, would like to contact
anyone that knew Alan.  (434 589 2735).
His mother is still alive and would like info.


Date: Sunday, November 02, 2003 1:59:08 PM
Subject: Live POW text file


There were 480 POW/MIAs lost in Laos. Colonel David Hrdlicka is one of over
60 known American Servicemen captured in Laos during the Vietnam War that
were never negotiated for. American Prisoners of War (POWs) have since been
reported alive in Laos for over three decades. Through thirty years of
covert actions, political miscalculations, self-serving careerism, and
cover-ups the US Government has been ineffective in bringing about their
release. At the end of the Vietnam War the US government informed America
that the Vietnamese would be responsible for all POW/MIAs including those in
Laos and Cambodia. That was not true.

Declassified transcripts of the Paris Peace Accords "Secret Negotiation"
reveal that the Vietnamese negotiator Le Duc Tho would not take
responsibility for POWs other than those held by the Vietnamese. He insisted
that Laos was a sovereign country and that the US must negotiate with the
Pathet Lao [Laotian communists] for the POWs they held. Henry Kissinger told
Le Duc Tho that if the Vietnamese would neither object -- nor accept
responsibility for all POWs publicly when he [Kissinger] said they would be
responsible for all POWs in Indochina. -- that the US would not hold the
Vietnamese to it. Laos was not part of the Paris Peace Accords; we never
negotiated for POWs in Laos.

In January 1973 the US agreed to pay the Vietnamese $4.25 billion in
reconstruction aid for the list of POWs in Laos. The Department of Defense
(DOD) negotiators received the names of only 10 POWs captured in Laos by the
Vietnamese. When the 591 POWs released from Vietnam returned and informed
the Congress how they were tortured and some killed the Congress refused to
authorize payment of reconstruction Aid.  This confounded the problem of
unreturned POWs from Laos.

In an interview with former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral
Tom Moorer (1995)
he stated there was a rescue planned for 60 POWs known captive in Laos at
the end of 1972.  The rescue was canceled because of the Paris Peace
Agreement. When questioned why the POWs were not rescued after the
Vietnamese gave back their last returned POWs on March 28th 1973, Admiral
Moorer maintains that there was no current intelligence at that time on
which to the launch rescues. They could not be sure the POWs were still at
the last known locations and would not risk a rescue. Following are some of
these POW/MIAs that have been sighted in recent years, there are others.

POW/MIA Colonel David Louis Hrdlicka (USAF), an F-105 pilot, was born in
Minnesota and shot down in Laos. He was photographed in captivity and
reported alive in the Russian Newspaper Pravda during the war.  There have
been numerous reported live sightings of David Hrdlicka throughout the 1980s
and 1990s. His wife Carol who now lives in Kansas still seeks his return
through the Defense POW Office (DPMO) and would like the Congress to use
their legislative powers to require government to get him out before he dies
in Laos and the government settles for his bones. She states they have done
nothing constructive to locate him.

Colonel Frank Gould a navigator aboard a B-52 from the Bronx NY parachuted
over Laos with the rest of his crew after being hit during a bombing run
over Hanoi.  He was the last man on the ground, the helicopter rescued the
other crewmen. Gunfire at the helicopter and nightfall prevented his
recovery. The following day rescuers could not locate him. Reports that
Frank was alive and wanted to come home have come out throughout the 1990's.
His wife Marie resides in California and would like to know why Congress is
not exercising their oversight ability to assure the Department of Defense
gets him home.

CWO William Milliner, from Kentucky, was flying a Cobra helicopter Gun Ship
over Laos in March 1971 when he was last heard from. A businessman in
Thailand with contacts inside Laos gave information to US officials (1989)
that "Milliner" is alive and can be brought to the Thai border. When the
Laotians requested a reward they were turned away. His father Joe a returned
WWII POW and his mother Mary travel to Washington annually trying to get the
government to bring him home. Their plea's bring no response.

Army Special Forces Sgt. Charles Huston from Ohio was on a reconnaissance
mission in Laos in 1968. He was left on the ground along with Sgt. George
Brown, and Sgt. Alan Boyer when their extraction helicopter came under fire
and had to leave. In 1989, an oriental prisoner captured by the Vietnamese
in Laos escaped and made his way to Thailand where he was interviewed by US
officials. He stated that he spoke with UY-STON [Charles Huston] who told
him if he ever got free to let the world know "that my name is Huston, and
there are other American's held with me." His brothers John and Robert
strive to have the DOD get him out.

The Defense POW/MIA Office (DPMO) has historically excluded the living
unreturned POW/MIAs from constructive consideration. They either refuse to
negotiate for those known to have survived, or they are completely
ineffectual in doing so. The DPMO was in Southeast Asia on October 23rd  and
24th, 2003 to negotiate with the Cambodians, Vietnamese, and Laotians on
POW/MIA matters because these countries want improved trade relations.
Individual cases, where live POW information exists was not discussed.
Hundreds of classified documents on live POWs are still denied the public.
The field investigators that implement POW policy don't have negotiating
authority, access to senior Communist officials, or knowledge of all
classified material.

The Laotians want improved trade relations. We previously normalized trade
relations with Vietnam and a road map for an accounting of POWs known alive
in communist hands at the end of the war is still not productive. It is
ineffective and individual live sighting cases are ignored at the Defense
POW office. The DPMO does negotiate for remains from battle and crash sites,
a worthy effort in itself, but DOD always drops the live POW matter and
compromises on live POWs. The DOD repeatedly falls for the communist
"remains" tactics and has not made any headway on the POWs last known or
reported alive. It is easier and less embarrassing to discuss dead bodies,
rather that discuss who may still be alive. The DOD is not performing due
diligence in accounting for live POW/MIAs; and Congress is not using their
oversight authority.

The policy makers are satisfied with the quick fix accounting acceptance for
remains. An accounting that does not seek out unreturned survivors distorts
the truth. The POW/MIA families want action taken for recovery and POWs
returned home. Do not let negotiator's come up with another road map that
does not assure the return of our live American servicemen left and still
alive in Southeast Asia.

Contact your Senators; the Senate Intelligence Committee, Armed Services
Committee, and Foreign Relations Committee need to initiate legislation to
require live POW negotiations. The Congress must then exercise oversight
authority assuring qualified negotiators secure release and return of
surviving POWs. Let the Laotians return POWs and join in improved trade

What to do
Send letters to: The Whitehouse, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave Washington, DC; your
Senators, the Chairman and members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee, the Armed Services Committee. There is
already a reaction from the Department of Defense to the Senate. Be part of
the solution in bringing surviving POWs home from the Vietnam War. Make it
happen.Contact Roger Hall, 301/587-5055, 301/585-3361,
For additional Senate contact and Donation information:


Never forgotten: Disappearance of Alan Boyer in Laos in 1968 still haunts family

By KIM BRIGGEMAN of the Missoulian
Alan Boyer, missing in action in Laos since 1968.
.....A call home to her parents confirmed what Judi dreaded. Three days after Alan Boyer and two other Green Berets had been left behind by a helicopter fleeing heavy fire, Dorothy and Charles Boyer received the knock on the door that families of all soldiers dread.....
Date: Fri, 3 May 2013 21:29:38 -0500
Subject: Mom Dorothy Boyer
To: undisclosed-recipients:;

    Rockford Charter Chapter and VietNow Nationals Mom Dorothy Boyer passed away Thursday after complications from a broken femur.  Dorothy was mother of Alan Boyer Army Special Forces and POW/MIA missing in Laos since the 28 March 1968. Dorothy was our Mom and she attended all chapter meeting and events, if she wasn't traveling the world.  Dorothy will be missed by her friends and chapter as well as by National members. Dorothy is survived by a daughter Judi, arrangements are pending.

John Bates
VietNow National
POW/MIA Chairman

On 28 March 1968, a mixed US/Vietnamese reconnaissance patrol was operating about 15 miles inside Laos northeast of Tchepone. The patrol consisted of seven Vietnamese soldiers and three US Special Forces troops: SGT Alan L. Boyer, SGT Charles G. Huston, and SFC George R. Brown. The three Americans were assigned to the MACV Studies and Observation Group, Command and Control North, Forward Operating Base 4.

When the patrol made contact with an unknown enemy force, they requested exfiltration by helicopter. The terrain in the area precluded a landing and instead the helicopter hovered and lowered a rope ladder for the team to climb up to board the aircraft. Six of the Vietnamese had already climbed to the aircraft, the seventh was climbing aboard, and Sergeant Boyer was on the ladder when the helicopter began receiving heavy automatic weapons fire which forced the crew to break hover and leave the area.

As the helicopter moved off the rope ladder broke away, dropping SGT Boyer to the ground. When last seen by the helicopter crew Sergeants Huston and Brown were on the ground alive and apparently unwounded.

On 01 April a search team was inserted into the area and searched for 6 hours but failed to locate any evidence of the three men.

As time passed without any information on the three men, their survival became increasingly unlikely. After a decade, the Secretary of the Army approved presumptive Findings of Death for Huston (26 Jan 1977), Brown (12 May 1977), and Boyer (8 Jan 1979). Their remains have not been repatriated


ALAN LEE BOYER Will finally be coming home to R.I.P.

is honored on Panel 46E, Row 52 of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

SEE photo



Dear Friends

It is with a grateful heart that I am writing to share news about my brother Alan. On March 7, the eve of what would have been Alan’s 70th birthday, the Army (Mr. Michael Mee) called with news: Remains were identified by DNA as Alan’s.       

On March 16, 2 Army Special Forces soldiers, the Chief of Casualty operations Center for the Army (Mr. Mee) & 2 other Defense Department personnel (one was Gen. (Ret) Michael Linnington, Director Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA), and the other Jack Kull, who while working for DPAA became a dear family friend)-5 total-- came to our home to give me the official report. The remains had been given by 3 Lao Nationals (remains traders) to an activist in Laos who turned them in. The DNA match to the samples Mom & I gave many years ago were truly amazing. The lab said it is the strongest match they have seen yet!  I received a thick report with many more details.  I was also presented with Alan’s medals –including the Silver Star (3rd highest military decoration awarded) & Purple Heart. Interment will be at Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors at a later date.

Thank you for your many years of support & prayers for Alan & my beloved Mom & Dad. Now we all know.

I extend my heartfelt thanks for everyone who helped in this endeavor over the years-DPAA, The National League of POW/MIA families & Ann Mills-Griffiths & family members; the analysts, investigators, excavation teams, the JPAC team in Laos who greeted Dorothy & me when we “dropped in” on them in Vientiane, Laos in 2001; Johnie Webb  & Dr. Tom Holland (who also graciously showed us around when we also showed up at the lab in Hawaii) Jack Kull for his friendship & support , Linda & Darrell Gilgan & members of VietNow. I could go on and on. I’m sure I’ve missed some important names & agencies but I thank EVERYONE involved in the accounting effort over the years.

I will continue to do all I can to support the League of Families in their priority of achieving their longstanding objective --the fullest possible accounting-1)the missing man is returned alive ; or  2)his remains recovered & identified ; or 3) convincing evidence as to why neither is possible, in which case he will remain forever as unrecovered & all information that relates or may relate will be provided to the next-of-kin who will then have the certainty of knowing the US Government did its very best to bring him home to his family & our Nation.  Please remember all the POW/MIAs who still remain unaccounted for. Their families still wait.



Judi Boyer Bouchard



Subject: POW/MIA SFC Alan Boyer, remains have been identified
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2016 00:50:39 +0000 (UTC)
From: Darrell Gilgan <>

Hello Everyone,

Almost everyone in Rockford Charter Chapter VietNow, and VietNow in general, knew Dorothy Boyer
as one of our most beloved and active associates. They also knew that Dorothy was an MIA Mom, and her
family carried a special heartache.

SFC Alan Lee Boyer, Army Special Forces, a Green Beret, went missing on 28 March 1968, while on a
reconnaissance mission several miles inside Laos in Savannakhet Province, along with Sgts George R.
Brown and Charles G. Huston and seven South Vietnamese soldiers, when they came under heavy enemy
fire and requested extraction. Because of rough terrain the helicopter couldn't land, and a rope ladder
was extended. The seven ARVN were extracted, and Alan was starting to climb the rope ladder when it
either caught on jungle foliage or was shot away, aborting the mission and stranding the three Americans.
A subsequent search party two days later found no trace of them.

Alan Boyer has been Missing in Action for nearly 48 years. He has now been found. Although some facts
are still classified, what we do know is that the DNA from Alan's mother, Dorothy Boyer, and his sister,
Judi Boyer Bouchard, which was given many years ago, is a perfect match with that found in the remains
given by an "activist for peace" which she had obtained from 3 Lao Nationals, "remains traders". The
remains are more than a mere tooth such as was found and ID'd as belonging to Sgt. Brown in 2001. Judi
is convinced that the remains are definitely from Alan.

Interment will be at Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors on June 22nd, 2016, at 1:00 PM.
See Judi's original email below, also a photo of her with the five military personnel who came to her and and

her husband Ron's home yesterday and a photo taken of Dorothy and Judi a few years back at a Rockford VietNow
meeting in the hall named for Alan. Alan's father, Charles "Chuck" Boyer, passed away in 1995. Alan's mother,
and a second mother to many who knew her, Dorothy Boyer, passed away in 2013. We do not know the date of
Alan's death; we probably never will. What we do know is that he is finally home. Welcome Home, Alan!


Take care everyone, and God Bless,

Linda & Darrell 


The Missoulian
Years later he came across Boyer's story on a POW/MIA website and wrote a short tribute. Bouchard responded, and though the two have never met, ...
I asked specifically if they would bring Jack Kull (a policy analyst for the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency), who told me that he was bringing ...
  Sent: 16 June, 2016 13:14
Subject: LOCAL CONNECTION: Chicago Soldier Accounted For From Vietnam War (U)


Dear Editor,

The family of Army Sgt. 1st Class Alan L. Boyer, 22, of Chicago, unaccounted for from the Vietnam War, asked us to send you today's news release (attached) on the identification of his remains.  He will be buried June 22 in Arlington National Cemetery.

On March 28, 1968, Boyer was a member of Spike Team Asp, an 11-man reconnaissance team assigned to Military Assistance Command, Vietnam - Studies and Observations Group (MACV-SOG), conducting a classified reconnaissance mission in Savannakhet Province, Laos, when they were attacked by enemy forces and requested extraction.  Due to the rugged terrain, the U.S. Air Force CH-3 extraction helicopter was forced to use a ladder in an attempt to recover the team. The helicopter came under heavy fire, and after recovering seven of the Vietnamese team members, began pulling away.  Reports indicated that Boyer began climbing the ladder, which broke as the helicopter pulled away, sending him falling to the ground.  The other two Americans on the team and the remaining Vietnamese commando, while at one point were last seen on the ground, may also have started climbing the ladder when it broke.  On April 1, 1968, a search team was inserted into the area, but found no evidence of the missing team members. 

Boyer's sister, Judith Bouchard, of Leesburg, Florida, is available for interviews if you would like to contact her, at 828-415-1556.

Media may also cover the interment from a respectful distance. Those wishing to attend the event should contact Jennifer Lynch at (703) 614-0062 for details.

The Department of Defense has the attached photo of Boyer on file.

- Fulfilling Our Nation's Promise -

Public Affairs
Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency
The Missoulian
For decades their mother Dorothy was active in the National League of POW-MIA Families, but she died in 2013 without learning of Alan's fate.


Subject: My brother SFC Alan L. Boyer, MIA Laos 3/28/1968
Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2016 13:20:51 -0400


My only sibling SCF Alan L. Boyer, Special Forces/Special Ops was listed as MIA on March 28, 1968 while on a covert mission. In March of this year, I was notified that a small bone shard had been found and ID as Alan. He was buried with full military honors at a beautiful service at Arlington National Cemetery on June 22, 1968.

I have been contacted by many people wanting to return his bracelets. I write back and ask them to please KEEP it, tell the story to the friends, colleagues, children, grandchildren-everyone-. There are still many family members who await their answers on their love ones We must keep this issue active and make the American public (AND CONGRESS & PRESIDENT! )of this issue and the need to fund the accounting mission.

Thank you very much.


Judi Boyer Bouchard


VIETNOW Newsletter, report on funeral, pictures



On June 16, 2016, the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency (DPAA) identified the remains of Sergeant First Class Alan Lee Boyer, missing from the Vietnam War. 

Sergeant First Class Boyer joined the U.S. Army from Illinois and served with a reconnaissance team assigned to the Military Assistance Command, Vietnam, Studies and Observation Group (MACV-SOG). On March 28, 1968, he was a member of an eleven-man reconnaissance team conducting a classified reconnaissance mission in Savannakhet Province, Laos. The group was discovered and attacked by enemy forces, and requested extraction. A U.S. Air Force CH-3 Jolly Green Giant extraction helicopter was able to rescue seven of the men, but the rope ladder broke before the remaining four men could climb it, including SFC Boyer. Further attempts to rescue him were unsuccessful. Many years later, a U.S. citizen turned over to DPAA human remains that he had received from a Laotian refugee. Modern forensic techniques and DNA analysis were able to identify these remains as those of SFC Boyer.

Sergeant First Class Boyer is memorialized on the Courts of the Missing at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific.

If you are a family member of this serviceman, you may contact your casualty office representative to learn more about your service member.