RIP 02/18/2006

Name: James Richard Shively
Unit:  357th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Takhli Royal Thai Air Base, Thailand
Date of Birth:  March 23, 1942
Home City of Record: SPOKANE WA
Date of Loss: 05-May-67
Country of Loss: NORTH VIETNAM
Loss Coordinates: 205230 North  1053230 East
Status (in 1973):
Aircraft/Vehicle/Ground: F105D
Other Personnel in Incident:

Official pre-capture photo

Source: Compiled by P.O.W. NETWORK from one or more of the following: raw
data from U.S. Government agency sources, correspondence with POW/MIA
families, published sources, interviews and CACCF = Combined Action
Combat Casualty File.   2019 with information from Justin Jackson-Mann.

REMARKS: 730218 RELEASED BY DRV    USAF Academy 1964 Graduate

No further information available at this time.


Library of Congress files:

NVN: "Red Mortars Blast Hanoi; Hanoi Jeers Captured"
Country: NVN

Name: James R. Shively

Subjects: Aircraft downed; PW transit; Photograph

Reel: 408

Volume: 4

Page: 158

Type of Document: Open Source

Date of Report: 67 05 07

Date of Information: 67 05 07

Category: CIA Files


Jim Shively passed away 18 Feb 2006.

33 years ago, 18 Feb 1973, he was released from prison. Jim had been
fighting a long battle with cancer.

He lived in Washington state with his wife until his death.

Former POW and prosecutor dies


SPOKANE, Wash. -- James Shively, a Vietnam prisoner of war who became a
federal prosecutor, has died at the age of 63 after a long fight with




I've lost two of my best friends.  First was Loren Torkelson.  Now, I've
lost you, too.

Jim, it's bad enough to lose someone you love.  But, it is an emotion most
terrible to lose someone uniquely like you who I not only loved but liked,
too.  When we were cell mates you showed the rest of us how to live.  You
never said an angry word to any of us no matter how much we deserved it.
And no angry words were ever spoken to you, either.  When you suffered
endless pain and discomfort, you never complained.  In fact, you smiled.
You showed us what real courage was.

Jim, these last few years you demonstrated your immense strength of
character and your unbelieveable courage in the face of overwhelming odds.
We are all humbled by this and doubt that we could ever be your equal under
similar circumstances.

Jim, when we were cell mates you taught me so many things.  You taught me
Russian, politics, world history.  But, the biggest lesson I learned from
you was how to live; how much better we ourselves would be if we were like
Jim Shively.

Remember the poem we read together?  It was about soldiers in WWI.  The last
five lines of that poem are how I will bid my final farewell to you, dear

By your courage in tribulation,
By your cheerfulness before the dirty devices of this world,
You have won the love of those who have watched you.
All we remember is your living face,
And that we loved you for being of our clay and spirit.

Godspeed, Jim.

If anyone deserves a place in Heaven, it is you.

Your friend,  Joe
March 3, 2006